
A stop-motion short, done as a final work at Písek film school. The idea was to try to create a tribute to German expressionism in terms of atmosphere and set-design. Unfortunately the first and last scenes were changed because school forbid exterior shooting one day before it was supposed to happen and in effect I was forced to change the story in a very drastic way.

The original story opened with a scene where the main character wonders through streets of city at night looking for shelter – a place to sleep. She travels with her sleeping bag, that acts as a dog – a loyal companion to the traveler. She finds an open door to an empty house and enters. The black and white part remained the same:
They fall into a mysterious laboratory, the sleeping bag is consumed by it, transformed and spit back out. The girl decides to stay the night and the sleeping bag kills her and eats her.
The end was supposed to be back on the street where the sleeping bag leaves the house alone..

In the end the exterior scene was changed for a scene where the main character studies film history and hallucinates about the film..
Of course years later the work looks a bit grotesque but some magic is still in there.


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February 4, 2002